The William Minor Scholarship Program was established in 2019 to serve the tutoring students in the Tres Emes and Sor Maria Hope Centers. Unlike in the U.S., the scholarship is not an award of a certain monetary amount, it is an award given out monthly for books and fees; necessary course supplies; transportation expenses; food while on campus, and an amount to make up for the loss of income for their families—many times a student can’t go to the university because their families need them to work or to take care of younger siblings while their parents work. The possibility of achieving a scholarship and attending the university is just a dream for many of these students, so having this opportunity has motivated many students to work hard to achieve it.

To inspire the tutoring students to consider their career choices, the program’s administrator prepares a monthly career day where people from various careers come and share what they do and how they achieved their occupation. The administrator also works regularly with the tutors and students to identify students with strong academic potential. He works with these students to get them into tutoring and training courses that will better prepare them for university level work. He also guides the potential scholarship students through the scholarship application process as well as the university placement exam process.

After a scholarship is awarded, the administrator continues to work closely with each university student and their families to help them in their academic pursuit.

There are currently eleven students attending the university on a William Minor Scholarship, all have maintained a grade average of 85 or above and all have been approved for another year’s scholarship. Three more new scholarships have been awarded for 2025 as well. And the program has had its first university graduate - Nelson Zomoro. He graduated December 2024 with a law degree.