William Minor Library and study Center
Biblioteca William Minor, Jinotepe (est. 2013) is part of the ministry complex, “El Trillo,” founded by Doug and Julie Effinger of Nica Impact. The complex is located near the center of the city, making the library and study center accessible to a large number of school age children and their families.
A tutoring program was established in 2017 to serve the primary school children attending the elementary school near the library. The tutors work with the students who, for various reasons, are falling behind and at risk of failing. (Many students leave the classroom during harvest seasons to either work or take care of younger siblings while parent work.)
Each year the program has been an overwhelming success. With only a few exceptions, the tutored students go from failing to passing the Ministry of Education’s exit exam to moving on to the next grade. Over the years, quite a few of these students have even become top academic earners in their grade.
Bibliotecas William Minor, Matagalpa, Tres Emes (est. 2017) and Sor Maria (est. 2019) are part of the "Hope Centers" founded by Ferrell Burton of The Hope Project International. The Hope Centers are located in two of the poorest barrios on the outskirts of Matagalpa.
Throughout the day the libraries have students of all ages coming and going. The librarians have made their libraries a welcoming place where students can come and study, get help finding study and research materials, use computers, find craft materials to do school projects, join a reading club, and for some – it’s a place to just come lie on the cool tile floor and look at a book. (Many of these students do not have a desk or table at home to do their homework on, or a covered floor to lie on.)